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Bornean Elephant Conservation - No Easy 'Tusk'

Dr Nurzhafarina Othman, elephant ecologist, Senior lecturer at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and Founder of Seratu Aatai

15-Sep-21 15:00

Bornean Elephant Conservation - No Easy 'Tusk'

As far as Dr Nurzhafarina Othman is concerned, to ensure the survival of Bornean elephants, people need to understand that we need to co-exist with them. An elephant ecologist and founder of NGO Seratu Aatai, Dr Farina and her team try to find ways for people and wildlife to co-exist peacefully, and to avoid human-elephant conflicts, both inside and outside of protected areas in Sabah. She joins us for a 101 on this smallest Asian elephant subspecies -  classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as endangered - and to discuss her work towards ensuring their long-term survival.

Produced by: Juliet Jacobs

Presented by: Juliet Jacobs

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Categories:  EnvironmentScience

Tags:  The Bigger PictureEarth MattersBornean elephanthuman-elephant conflicthuman-elephant conservationSeratu AataiPygmy elephantsHUTANIUCN Endangered specieshabitat losshabitat fragmentationSabah wildlife

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