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Protecting Pangolins

Dr Chong Ju Lian, Senior Lecturer & Researcher, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

10-Jun-19 15:15

Protecting Pangolins

Said to be the world’s most heavily-trafficked wild mammal, it's estimated that more than 100,000 pangolins are poached from the wild every year. They are in demand for both their meat and their scales, believed in some Asian countries to have medicinal properties, and they are also used in traditional African bush medicine. Are they facing a bleak future? We explore this and more with Dr Chong Ju Lian, a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, who is currently researching the 'Sunda' or Malayan pangolin.

Produced by: Lim Sue Ann

Presented by: Juliet Jacobs

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Categories:  EnvironmentScience

Tags:  Wildlife TraffickingConservationTraditional MedicineEndangered SpeciesEarth MattersBigger Picture

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