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Podcast  >  Bigger Picture  >  Earth Matters  >  The ABC's of Biodiversity: Sunda Pangolins

The ABC's of Biodiversity: Sunda Pangolins

Dr Chong Ju Lian, Associate Professor & Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu | Elisa Panjang, Pangolin Conservation Officer, Danau Girang Field Centre

16-Feb-22 15:00

The ABC's of Biodiversity: Sunda Pangolins

Pangolins are the only scaly mammals on earth, and the name “pangolin”, which is derived from the Malay word “pengguling”, loosely translates to “something that rolls up”. Pangolin numbers are rapidly declining, and they are considered one of the world’s most heavily trafficked mammals. It's World Pangolin Day this Saturday, and in conjunction with that, we bring you another episode of The ABC's of Biodiversity, a series explaining why biodiversity loss is OUR loss, this time with a special focus on Sunda Pangolins. Joining us to shed more light on their plight are Dr Chong Ju Lian, an Associate Professor and Lecturer at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, who is researching the Sunda Pangolin, and Elisa Panjang, a Pangolin Conservation Officer at the Danau Girang Field Centre.

Image credit: Shutterstock

Produced by: Juliet Jacobs

Presented by: Juliet Jacobs

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Categories:  environment

Tags:  Sunda PangolinDanau Girang Field Centre#worldpangolindaythe bigger pictureearth matterspangolinwildlife traffickingconservationtraditional medicineendangered speciesworld pangolin day#ABCsOfBiodiversity

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