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Friend or Faux: Are Parasocial Relationships Good For Me?

Dr Joel Low, Clinical Psychologist

05-Sep-23 14:00

Friend or Faux: Are Parasocial Relationships Good For Me?

Have you ever had that one famous movie star, athlete or public figure that you really admired? Perhaps you’ve even had a “celebrity crush” or feel like they could be your friend? Most of us have probably formed at least one parasocial relationship in our lives, and with social media, these individuals feel more relatable than ever. Why do we form such attachments to people we don’t know? And when does that behaviour border on unhealthy, or even dangerous? Joining us on the show to share more about the psychology behind this is clinical psychologist Dr Joel Low. 

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Produced by: Lim Sue Ann

Presented by: Lim Sue Ann

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Categories:  wellness

Tags:  imaginary friendscelebrity culturepsychologysocial media

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