18 Questions For Rapid Business Momentum Post-MCO
Jeevan Sahadevan, LeverageLab
01-Jun-20 10:00
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Businesses all over the country and even the world have taken huge hits, from minor revenue dips to massive shut downs and bankruptcies. Here in Malaysia, the primary focus of every entrepreneur as they come out fully from the MCO is to get their businesses to survive and later down the road to thrive. Jeevan Sahadevan, business growth expert and founder of LeverageLab takes us through 18 questions in 6 areas to help you gain rapid momentum in your business growth-post MCO.
Produced by: Christine Wong
Presented by: Freda Liu
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Categories: Personal Finance, Investments, Financial Literacy, Young Finance, Personal Development, Entrepreneurship
Tags: Survival, business acumen, recovery, MCO, CMCO, COVID-19,