BFM 89.9

Podcast  >  Morning Run  >  The 6AM Stretch  >  Much Ado About Meat?

Much Ado About Meat?

08-Jul-19 06:00

Much Ado About Meat?

We get you out of bed, to your first cup of coffee or to your first destination of your day with thought-provoking discussions on ideas, people and events shaping all our lives.

1:32 - Should the term “meat” be restricted to animal products?

8:00 - Would you consider a car subscription service?

12:52 - Should the onus for loan eligibility be on the banks or on the individual?

Presented by: Julian Ng, Sharidz Abdullah, Wong Shou Ning

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Categories:  Personal FinanceInvestmentsFinancial LiteracyFoodAuto

Tags:  veganismvegetariannomenclaturecar leasinghousehold debt

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