BFM 89.9

Podcast  >  Night Shift  >  33RPM  >  33RPM - 31st May 2016

33RPM - 31st May 2016

Zack Yusof

05-Jun-16 22:00

33RPM - 31st May 2016

Zack Yusof gives you an interesting selection of music and his insights on the style, the singers and the stories behind the songs.


0:08 - Cut Your Hair - Pavement

4:31 - Out Of Control - Lush

8:37 - Twilight Driving - Methyl Ethel

13:24 - Teeth - Royal Trux

19:14 - Your Old Man - Partybaby

21:47 - SB’s Truck - Happyness

26:50 - Revolution - Spaceman 3

33:29 - Stuck - Day Wave

37:07 - Showgirl - Auteurs

41:53 - American English - Idlewild

46:22 - Love Is Not Love - Cate Le Bon

50:25 - Starsign - Teenage Fanclub

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Tags:  alternative rockbritish rockindie rock33rpmpavementmethyl ethelhappynessday waveteenage fanclubcate le bon

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