Why Do We Want To Know Everything?
Kam Raslan | Prof Azmi Sharom | Lee Chwi Lynn
03-Jun-17 17:00
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Kam Raslan and special guests Prof Azmi Sharom and Lee Chwi Lynn return to discuss three topics on pop culture. Kam expresses how much he enjoys the Bangsar atmosphere but wonders if that makes him an ‘out of touch liberal elite’. Prof Azmi then asks if we can appreciate new music past our teenage years, with a follow-up question from Lynn: what have we lost by knowing almost everything?
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Tags: a bit of culture, kam raslan, azmi sharom, lee chwi lynn, google, bangsar, gentrification, elitism, liberal elites, music, music appreciation, teenagers, pop music, old music, classics, knowledge, hunt for the wilderpeople, american gods