Overseas? Overrated
Maryam Lee, Buku Jalanan | Imran Rasid, Universiti Terbuka Anak Muda | Yana Rizal, Projek Dialog | Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog
17-Oct-15 19:00
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This week we unpack the myth of overseas education. Why are Malaysians so obsessed with it? How did it gain its dangerously erroneous value? How can we rethink education differently given the realities Malaysian youths face. We're joined this week by Maryam Lee, Imran Rasid and Yana Rizal to help us explore the questions together.
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Tags: Overseas education, Ipta, Ipts, Politics, Current affairs, Culture, Learning, Travel, National education, Pros, Cons, Flaws, Brain drain, Imran Sayid Universiti Terbuka Anak Muda, Maryam Lee Buku Jalanan, Yana Rizal, Malaysia, Malaysian youths, South-East Asia, Myths, Bumiputra, Inequality, Society, State, Night School