BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 results.

Making The Most Out of Play

Making The Most Out of Play

Dr Deborah Weber, Director, Early Childhood Development Research, Fisher Price

Adoption, Foster Care and Childhood Development

Adoption, Foster Care and Childhood Development

Dr Rajini Sarvananthan, Consultant Developmental Paediatrician

The 12 Senses

The 12 Senses

Becky Rutherford, Certified Curative Educator


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Listen now : BFM 89.9 -- The Business Station

Today’s Shows

11:00 AM

Best of Enterprise

(REPEAT) Radius Khor, Co-Founder and Director of Vietnamese-style coffee chain, Kee Nguyen shares the journey of growing this brand from the ground up.

12:00 PM

Popcorn Culture

(REPEAT) The Popcorn Culture team reviews Mickey 17 and talks about desperate protagonists in film and TV.

1:00 PM

Cruise Control

(REPEAT) Is BYD Sealion 7 one of the best EVs you can get in the market at the moment? The Cruise Control team shares their thoughts on BYD’s latest offering.

2:00 PM


(REPEAT) Forget silicon chips, the future of computing could be written in DNA. Join Rich Bradbury and Matt Armitage as they try to decode the world of DNA computing.

3:00 PM

Earth Matters

(REPEAT) Juliet Jacobs and her guests on Earth Matters try to break down the complexities of Environmental Impact Assessments.

4:00 PM

Bar None

(REPEAT) Will a new scoring system make badminton more exciting to watch? Bar None explores the topic!

5:00 PM

BBC World Service

BFM presents the BBC World Service, which provides in-depth coverage of issues from around the world.