BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 37 results.

MAHB Privatisation Set To Take Off?

MAHB Privatisation Set To Take Off?

Khair Mirza, Head of Airport Investor Resource, Modalis Infrastructure Partners Inc

Top 5 At 5: An Unconvincing Bid for MAHB?

Top 5 At 5: An Unconvincing Bid for MAHB?

Datuk Roger Chin, Immediate Past President of the Sabah Law Society

How To Stamp Out Corruption At Immigration?

How To Stamp Out Corruption At Immigration?

Dr Muhammad Mohan, President, Transparency International Malaysia

Can Immigration Give A Better Impression For Tourism?

Can Immigration Give A Better Impression For Tourism?

Hannah Pearson, Founder, Pear Anderson

Today On Twitter: Can KLIA Be As Good As Changi Airport?

Today On Twitter: Can KLIA Be As Good As Changi Airport?

Popek Popek Parlimen: KLIA Aerotrains Up And Running By Next Year

Popek Popek Parlimen: KLIA Aerotrains Up And Running By Next Year

T7 Grows O&G Business Amid Diversification

T7 Grows O&G Business Amid Diversification

Tan Kay Vin, Executive Director, T7 Global Berhad

Urgent Investments Required In Airports

Urgent Investments Required In Airports

Khair Mirza, Managing Partner, Integral Capital

Today On Twitter: The Aerotrain That Couldn’t

Today On Twitter: The Aerotrain That Couldn’t

Singapore-Malaysia Borders Are Reopening

Singapore-Malaysia Borders Are Reopening

Dr Mustafa Izzuddin, Senior International Affairs Analyst, Solaris Strategies Singapore

Entry Ban Leads To Scramble In KLIA

Entry Ban Leads To Scramble In KLIA

Dato’ Hussein bin Omar Khan, Operations Director, National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA)

In Otter News

In Otter News

Andrew Sebastian, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Ecotourism & Conservation Society Malaysia (ECOMY)

New Rules On Airport Pick-Ups

New Rules On Airport Pick-Ups

Remembering a Malaysian future - Wawasan 2020

Remembering a Malaysian future - Wawasan 2020

Lim Sheau Yun

New PSC for International Flights

New PSC for International Flights

Keith Kam

A Gift To Loyal Employees

A Gift To Loyal Employees

Mastura Mohd Khalid, COO, Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional


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Listen now : Best of The Bigger Picture:(REPEAT) The government’s proposed Urban Renewal Act (URA),...

Today’s Shows

11:00 AM

Best of Enterprise

(REPEAT) Ever picked up something and later wondered, why did I buy that? The answer might not be as rational as you think - from limited-time deals to ‘best-seller’ labels, our brains rely on mental shortcuts—heuristics—to make quick decisions.; Kiron Kesav, Chief Strategy Officer, OMG Malaysia

12:00 PM

Just For Kicks

(REPEAT) Will the Southern Tigers stay true to their disciplined approach, or will they unleash an attacking onslaught? That, plus all the latest from the Champions League and Premier League, right here on Just For Kicks.; Bob Holmes, Keeshaanan Sundaresan, Dez Corkhill

1:00 PM

A Bit of Culture

(REPEAT) A discussion on cinema-going habits, the instant gratification attitude plaguing the entertainment industry, and reflecting on whether American cultural soft power is on the decline.; Kam Raslan | Na’a Murad | Sim Wie Boon

2:00 PM

Ringgit & Sense

(REPEAT) In conjunction with International Women’s Day, Licensed Financial Planner at VKA Wealth Planners Shing Yee Ling joins us as we talk about the retirement gap between men and women, and what women can do to secure their financial future.; Shing Yee Ling, Licensed Financial planner, VKA Wealth Planners

2:30 PM

The Property Show

(REPEAT) With 38 years of experience in the real estate world, former CEO of the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents Soma Sundram joins us as he shares his knowledge to help aspiring real estate agents.; Soma Sundram, Former CEO, Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents

3:00 PM

Best of The Bigger Picture

(REPEAT) The government’s proposed Urban Renewal Act (URA), which is expected to be tabled later this year, has sparked widespread debate recently - what should we know about this?; Nischal Ranjinath Muniandy, Senior Executive of Research, Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

4:00 PM

Best of Evening Edition

(REPEAT) From advocating for stronger laws to ensuring survivors of domestic violence get the protection and support they need, WAO has been a powerful force in shaping policies and attitudes towards gender-based violence in Malaysia.; Nazreen Nizam, Executive Director, Women's Aid Organisation;

5:00 PM

BBC World Service

BFM presents the BBC World Service, which provides in-depth coverage of issues from around the world.