Date | Programmes | Podcast Title | |
04-Nov-24 |
Today I Learned (6:00 PM) |
Navigating The Political Divide
Mr Aziff Azuddin, Political Researcher, IMAN Research |
22-Oct-24 |
Talkback (6:00 PM) |
How Do You Find New Friends?
24-Jun-24 |
Inside Story (6:00 PM) |
Pebbling: A New Way of Loving
27-Feb-24 |
Evening Edition (5:30 PM) |
Trending Today: Can Online Friends Mean More Than IRL Relationships?
01-Sep-23 |
Evening Edition (5:30 PM) |
Trending Today: Can You Afford Your Friends?
20-Jan-23 |
Evening Edition (5:45 PM) |
Today On Twitter: Do You Ask Your Friends For Help?
13-Jan-23 |
Evening Edition (5:45 PM) |
Today On Twitter: With A Little Help From Friends
18-Oct-22 |
Health & Living (4:00 PM) |
Mind Matters: How The Friendship Bench Delivers Mental Health Care
Dr Ruth Verhey, International Lead and Training Curriculum Creator, Friendship Bench Programme | Ellisha Othman, Managing Director, Thrive Well |
02-Sep-22 |
Inside Story (6:30 PM) |
All Grown Up With No Friends?
Dr Anasuya Jegathevi Jegathesan, Dean of Psychology and Social Sciences, University of Cyberjaya | Prakash Ravindran, Clinical Psychologist |
10-Aug-22 |
Enterprise Explores (12:00 PM) |
Is It Wise To Have A Workplace Bestie?
Elaine Fernandez, Social Psychologist & Curriculum Manager, GIFT.ed |
28-Jul-22 |
The 6AM Stretch (6:00 AM) |
Let's Have Deeper Conversations!
25-Jul-22 |
The 6AM Stretch (6:00 AM) |
TikTok vs Journalism
20-Jul-22 |
The 6AM Stretch (6:00 AM) |
Office Friends Forever?
24-May-22 |
Evening Edition (5:35 PM) |
Today On Twitter: The Debate Of RSVP-ing An Open House
29-Apr-22 |
The 6AM Stretch (6:00 AM) |
What Brings Friends Together?
28-Mar-22 |
The 6AM Stretch (6:00 AM) |
Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert?
Best of Enterprise
(REPEAT) Ever picked up something and later wondered, why did I buy that? The answer might not be as rational as you think - from limited-time deals to ‘best-seller’ labels, our brains rely on mental shortcuts—heuristics—to make quick decisions.; Kiron Kesav, Chief Strategy Officer, OMG Malaysia
Just For Kicks
(REPEAT) Will the Southern Tigers stay true to their disciplined approach, or will they unleash an attacking onslaught? That, plus all the latest from the Champions League and Premier League, right here on Just For Kicks.; Bob Holmes, Keeshaanan Sundaresan, Dez Corkhill
A Bit of Culture
(REPEAT) A discussion on cinema-going habits, the instant gratification attitude plaguing the entertainment industry, and reflecting on whether American cultural soft power is on the decline.; Kam Raslan | Na’a Murad | Sim Wie Boon
Ringgit & Sense
(REPEAT) In conjunction with International Women’s Day, Licensed Financial Planner at VKA Wealth Planners Shing Yee Ling joins us as we talk about the retirement gap between men and women, and what women can do to secure their financial future.; Shing Yee Ling, Licensed Financial planner, VKA Wealth Planners
The Property Show
(REPEAT) With 38 years of experience in the real estate world, former CEO of the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents Soma Sundram joins us as he shares his knowledge to help aspiring real estate agents.; Soma Sundram, Former CEO, Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents
Best of Evening Edition
(REPEAT) From advocating for stronger laws to ensuring survivors of domestic violence get the protection and support they need, WAO has been a powerful force in shaping policies and attitudes towards gender-based violence in Malaysia.; Nazreen Nizam, Executive Director, Women's Aid Organisation;
BBC World Service
BFM presents the BBC World Service, which provides in-depth coverage of issues from around the world.