BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 17 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
29-Oct-24 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
Can Malaysia Implement Universal Basic Income?
Geoffrey Williams, Economist | Dr Sarath Davala, John Michael, Lee Seng Kiat, Basic Income Earth Network
14-Sep-23 Beyond The Ballot Box
(3:00 PM)
Malaysia in 100 Years: Automation, Universal Basic Income & Services
Jeremy Lim, Secretary, Imagined Malaysia
10-Jan-22 The 6AM Stretch
(6:00 AM)
It's Okay To Have Monday Blues
03-Dec-20 The Breakfast Grille
(8:05 AM)
Escaping The Poverty Trap
Eldar Shafir, Behavioural Scientist, Princeton University
12-Nov-20 The Breakfast Grille
(8:05 AM)
Should Governments Guarantee Jobs?
Pavlina Tcherneva, Author, "The Case for a Job Guarantee"
26-Aug-20 The 6AM Stretch
(6:05 AM)
Extending the Safety Net with UBI
09-Oct-19 The 6AM Stretch
(6:00 AM)
The Climate Debate Conundrum
23-Jul-19 Morning Brief
(7:45 AM)
Cash Transfers Should be Temporary
Azam Wan Hashim, Executive in Research, Institute of Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)
02-Jul-18 The 6AM Stretch
(6:00 AM)
Let Robots do the Dirty Work
The Morning Run Crew
26-Mar-18 The 6AM Stretch
(6:00 AM)
The Contented Life
The Morning Run Crew
12-Dec-17 Enterprise Explores
(12:00 PM)
‘The Shed’ Restaurant, Canadian Basic Income, Google DeepMind Al
Richard Bradbury | Jeff Sandhu | Majidah Hashim
29-Jun-17 The 6AM Stretch
(6:00 AM)
The Robots Are Coming
The Morning Run Crew
28-Jun-17 Evening Edition
(6:00 PM)
Universal Basic Income: A Utopian Dream Come True
Malcolm Torry, Founder, Citizen's Income Trust
22-Jun-17 The Breakfast Grille
(2:55 PM)
Imagining Equitable Capitalism
09-Jul-16 A Bit Of Culture
(12:12 PM)
A Bit Of Culture: Batcaves, UBI & Futuristic Management
Sharaad Kuttan | Fikri Fadzil | Matt Armitage
06-Jun-16 Today's BizTalk
(7:37 AM)
The Swiss don't Miss a Basic Income
The Morning Run Crew

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Listen now : The 6AM Stretch

Today’s Shows

6:00 AM

The 6AM Stretch

7:00 AM

World Market Watch

7:15 AM

Morning Brief

7:30 AM

Morning Brief

7:45 AM

Top Story

8:00 AM

The Breakfast Grille

8:30 AM

Morning Brief

8:45 AM

Morning Brief

9:00 AM

Opening Bell (REPEAT)

9:15 AM

Opening Bell (REPEAT)

9:35 AM

Pressing Matters

10:05 AM

Open For Business

(REPEAT) Kelvin Teo, CEO & Co-Founder, Funding Societies | Wong Kah Meng, COO & Co-Founder, Funding Societies

11:05 AM


(REPEAT) Bikesh Lakhmichand, CEO and Founding Partner, 1337 Ventures

12:00 PM

Enterprise Explores

(REPEAT) Michele Kythe Lim, President & CEO, Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM) | Tunku Alizakri, Former Chairman, Penjana Kapital

1:00 PM

The Breakfast Grille Repeat

2:05 PM

Discovery Hour

Lagu-Lagu Dulu-Dulu: Modern Renditions of the Classics; Sean Ghazi & Ida Mariana

3:05 PM

Earth Matters (REPEAT)

Best of Earth Matters: Beautiful, Biodiverse, Batu Caves; Dr Ruth Kiew, Botanist, Malaysian Cave and Karst Conservancy (MCKC) and Leader, Batu Caves Scientific Expedition | Dr Ros Fatihah Muhammad, Geologist & President, Malaysian Cave and Karst Conservancy (MCKC)

4:05 PM

Health & Living (REPEAT)

Will Medical Insurance Co-Payments Be A Burden?; Professor Dato' Dr Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Professor of Health Economics, Policy and Management, & President, Malaysian Health Economic Association

5:00 PM

Top 5 At 5 (REPEAT)

6:00 PM

Today I Learned (REPEAT)

Why Tears Spread - Stigma, Culture, and Emotional Responses; Dr Chua Sook Ning, Clinical Psychologist

7:00 PM

Just For Kicks

8:00 PM


9:00 PM
