BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 35 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
24-Mar-25 Just For Kicks
(7:00 PM)
Tuche! England's New Era Kicks Off
Sean Malhotra | Craig Wilkie | Giancarlo Gallifuoco
07-Nov-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Spain's Economic Renaissance
H. E. Jose Luis Pardo, Ambassador of Spain to Malaysia
15-Jul-24 Just For Kicks
(7:30 PM)
La Roja Lifts Historic Fourth Euros
Dez Corkhill | Giancarlo Gallifuoco | Sean Malhotra
12-Jul-24 Just For Kicks
(7:30 PM)
La Roja vs The Three Lions - The Battle to Conquer Europe
Asran Rozain | Bob Holmes | Gogulan Dorairajoo
16-Oct-23 Just For Kicks
(8:00 PM)
Goals Galore At The Euro Qualifiers
Keeshaanan Sundaresan | Giancarlo Gallifuoco
13-Oct-23 Just For Kicks
(8:00 PM)
All Roads Lead to Germany
Dez Corkhill | Bob Holmes | Gogulan Dorairajoo
23-Aug-23 Live & Learn
(2:00 PM)
The Unsolicited Women’s World Cup Kiss
Lilian Kok, Programme Manager, All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)
21-Aug-23 Just For Kicks
(8:00 PM)
La Roja Are World Champions!
Asran Rozain | Gogulan Dorairajoo | Keeshaanan Sundaresan
28-Jul-23 What's The Focus
(9:30 AM)
WTF: X Marks The Spot For Elon Musk
02-Dec-22 Just For Kicks
(8:00 PM)
Upsets Galore At The World Cup!
Bob Holmes | Gogulan Dorairajoo
28-Jul-22 Evening Edition
(7:00 PM)
Hello, May I Speak To A Human?!
Premkumar Chandrashegaran, Head of Data Science, Omnilytics
24-Apr-20 A Bit Of Culture
(7:00 PM)
Normal Anxious Spanish
Kam Raslan | Julian Yap | Sim Wie Boon
21-Apr-20 Morning Brief
(8:45 AM)
Too Soon for a Path to Recovery?
Benjamin Cowling, Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, University of Hong Kong
20-Apr-20 Morning Brief
(7:45 AM)
Europe at Crossroads
16-Apr-20 The Breakfast Grille
(8:05 AM)
EU Solidarity, Much Needed Now
Ramon Marimon, Professor of Economics, European University Institute
09-Apr-20 The Breakfast Grille
(8:05 AM)
Focus On Containing Outbreak And Businesses, Not Just Handouts
Carmelo Ferlito, Senior Fellow, Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

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