BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 19 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
15-Jan-24 Market Watch
(7:00 AM)
Mixed Bag Of US Bank Earnings
Kingsley Jones, Chief Investment Officer, Jevons Global
03-May-23 Market Watch
(7:00 AM)
A Mixed Bag Of Apple Expectations
Jack Kouzi, Director for Strategy, VFS Group
02-May-23 Market Watch
(7:00 AM)
Only As Strong As The Weaker Link
Joe Quinlan, Chief Market Strategist, US Trust-BOA Private Wealth Management
14-Apr-22 Market Watch
(7:00 AM)
Has US Inflation Peaked?
Tony Nash, CEO, Complete Intelligence
11-Mar-22 The 6AM Stretch
(6:00 AM)
Forgetting The Pain, Remembering The Lessons
14-Jul-21 Market Watch
(7:00 AM)
Markets Unimpressed With Start To Earnings Season?
Jeffrey Halley, Senior Market Analyst, OANDA
21-Jan-21 Market Watch
(7:07 AM)
Inheriting Trumponomics: New Chapter In An Old Story?
Tony Nash, CEO, Complete Intelligence
18-Jan-21 Market Watch
(7:07 AM)
Commodities Upside For The Long Haul?
Kingsley Jones, Chief Investment Officer, Jevons Global
12-Dec-19 Market Watch
(7:05 AM)
Is Mexico's Gain China's Loss?
Tony Nash, Chief Executive Officer, Complete Intelligence
02-Feb-18 Enterprise Explores
(12:00 PM)
Grab Signs Multi-Year MoU With Samsung, Human Uber, Jeff Bezos Master Plan
Richard Bradbury | Arvindh Yuvaraj | Audrey Raj
30-Jun-17 Today's BizTalk
(7:45 AM)
US Banks: After the Stress, Comes the (Financial) Mess?
The Morning Run Crew
22-Jun-17 The Breakfast Grille
(2:55 PM)
Imagining Equitable Capitalism
06-Apr-17 Today's BizTalk
(7:37 AM)
More Bark than Bite at the Mar-a-Lago?
The Morning Run Crew
13-Mar-17 Enterprise Explores
(12:00 PM)
Solar Becoming Cheaper, 48M Bots on Twitter, JP Morgan Unleashes AI
Jeff Sandhu | Angeline Teh
04-Jan-17 Today's BizTalk
(7:35 AM)
Indonesia's budget deficit narrows thanks to tax amnesty
The Morning Run Crew
26-Jul-16 The 6AM Stretch
(6:00 AM)
JP Morgan Pays the Price for Hiring Princelings
The Morning Run Crew

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Today’s Shows

6:00 AM

The 6AM Stretch

Thought-provoking discussions on ideas, people and events shaping our lives.

7:00 AM

World Market Watch

Our expert tells us where international markets are heading.

7:15 AM

Morning Brief

We recap global and local headlines from today's papers and portals.

7:30 AM

Morning Brief

We break down the day’s top news with expert insights.

7:45 AM

Morning Brief

We break down the day’s top news with expert insights.

8:00 AM

The Breakfast Grille

Our flagship show, we feature both game-changers and groundbreakers in the hot seat.

8:30 AM

Morning Brief

We break down the day’s top news with expert insights.

8:45 AM

Morning Brief

(REPEAT) We dive into the local and international news that matters to you.

9:00 AM

Opening Bell

(REPEAT) We bring you the latest on Bursa Malaysia and international capital markets.

9:15 AM

Opening Bell

(REPEAT) We take a look at the FBM KLCI as well as regional capital markets.

9:35 AM

Pinnacle Perspectives

We take you behind the scenes of the corporate C-Suite to dissect what keeps leaders up at night.

10:05 AM

Open For Business

A&D Nature's Growth and Ambitions: Navigating the Plant Industry

11:05 AM


How SMEs & MTCs Can Unlock New Capital Opportunities

12:00 PM

Enterprise Explores

Andrew Chan, Director, Malaysia Semiconductor Industry

1:00 PM

The Breakfast Grille Repeat

Our flagship show, we feature both game-changers and groundbreakers in the hot seat.

2:05 PM

Discovery Hour

3:05 PM

Earth Matters

Will the proposed Seed Bill threaten biodiversity, food security and smallholder farmers by giving corporations control over seeds?

4:05 PM

Health & Living

Are supplements safe if you’re on treatment for mental health disorders? We break down how the ingredients of supplements and certain medications interact with psychiatric drugs.

5:00 PM

Top 5 at 5

6:00 PM

Today I Learned

7:00 PM

Just For Kicks

8:00 PM

A Bit of Culture