BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 29 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
26-Mar-25 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
How Wildlife Traffickers Exploit Malaysia’s Airports
Kanitha Krishnasamy, Director, TRAFFIC, Southeast Asia
26-Feb-25 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Inside the Illegal Gibbon Trade
Mariani Ramli, President & Founder, Gibbon Conservation Society (GCS) | Dr Susan M. Cheyne, Vice-Chair, IUCN Primate Specialist Group Section on Small Apes
12-Feb-25 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
The Realities of Rehabilitating & Releasing Rescued Sun Bears
Vincent Tan, Journalist | Dr Wong Siew Te, CEO and Founder, Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre (BSBCC) | Elizabeth John, Communications Manager, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
13-Jan-25 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Petting Zoos: Conservation or Exploitation
Wong Siew Lyn, Co-Founder and Editor, Macaranga | Lee Kwai Han, Environmental Journalist and Contributing Writer, Macaranga
16-Dec-24 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Macaranga Wrap-up: A Look-Back at 2024
Wong Siew Lyn, Co-founder, Macaranga | Law Yao Hua, Co-founder, Macaranga
08-May-24 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Slow Enactment Of Wildlife Laws Spells Trouble for Conservationists
Mariani Ramli, President & Founder, Gibbon Conservation Society (GCS)
29-Apr-24 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Macaranga Wrap-up - Apr 2024
Law Yao Hua, Co-founder, Macaranga
08-Apr-24 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Can We Tame The Wild Marketplace For Exotic Pets in Malaysia?
Hannan Azmir, Journalist | Lee Kwai Han, Environmental Journalist | Dr Nor Arlina Amirah Ahmad Ghani, Founder & Director, Justice for Wildlife Malaysia
25-Mar-24 Earth Matters
(3:30 PM)
Macaranga Wrap-up: March 2024
Wong Siew Lyn, Co-founder, Macaranga | Law Yao Hua, Co-founder, Macaranga
16-Aug-23 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Protecting the Singing, Swinging Ape
Mariani Ramli, President & Founder, Gibbon Conservation Society (GCS) | Dr Susan M. Cheyne, Vice-Chair, IUCN Primate Specialist Group Section on Small Apes
31-Jul-23 Earth Matters
(3:30 PM)
Macaranga Wrap-Up: July 2023
Law Yao Hua, Co-Founder, Macaranga | Wong Siew Lyn, Co-Founder, Macaranga
26-Jul-23 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
International Tiger Day 2023: Turning Conflict To Coexistence
Christopher Wong, Tiger Lead, WWF-Malaysia
07-Nov-22 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Skin and Bones: No Let Up in Tiger Trafficking
Kanitha Krishnasamy, Director, TRAFFIC in Southeast Asia
27-Jul-22 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
Global Tiger Day 2022: Keeping Up the Fight for Malayan Tigers Lives
Christopher Wong, Tiger Lead, WWF-Malaysia
27-Jun-22 Earth Matters
(3:00 PM)
ABC's of Biodiversity: Gibbons of Malaysia
Mariani Ramli, President, Gibbon Conservation Society (GCS), Head Director, Gibbon Rehabilitation Project (GReP) & Borneo Gibbon Rehabilitation Project (Borneo GReP)
28-Feb-22 Earth Matters
(3:35 PM)
Macaranga Wrap-up: February 2022
Law Yao Hua, Founder, Macaranga | Wong Siew Lyn, Founder, Macaranga

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