BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 17 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
25-Mar-25 Talkback
(6:00 PM)
Rich Friends, Poor Friends
13-Nov-24 Top 5 At 5
(5:00 PM)
Top 5 at 5: New Attorney General Raises Eyebrows
Faisal Abdul Aziz, Chairman, Bersih
30-May-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
KL's Urban Poor Need Urgent Policy Changes
Dr Juanita Vasquez Escallon, Chief of Social Policy, UNICEF | Zouhair Rosli, Deputy Director of Research, DM Analytics
21-Feb-23 Health & Living
(4:00 PM)
Mind Matters: Incorporating Mental Health Into Children’s Education
Chase Tan, Clinical Psychologist, Thrive Well | Felicia Yoon, Head, Arus Academy
18-Mar-22 The Property Show
(9:30 AM)
Not in My Backyard
Gregory Ho Wai Sun, Khazanah Research Institute | Lim Han Hsuen, Khazanah Research Institute
12-Oct-21 Health & Living
(4:00 PM)
Mind Matters: How Does The Built Environment Impact Your Mental Health?
Ellisha Othman, Managing Director, Thrive Well | Uta Dietrich, Senior Manager, Lead Social Resilience | Jane Leong, Mah Sing's Director of Group Strategy & Operations, who spearheads Mah Sing Foundation
20-Apr-21 Live & Learn
(3:00 PM)
Why Are So Many Malaysian Fresh Grads Unemployed & Underpaid?
Siti Aiysyah Tumin, Research Associate, KRI (Khazanah Research Institute) | Iskandar Fareez, Communications Director, REFSA
11-Feb-21 Morning Brief
(7:17 AM)
Strengthening Social Protection Vital During Pandemic
Stephen Barrett, Chief of Social Policy, UNICEF Malaysia
15-Dec-20 Health & Living
(4:00 PM)
Mind Matters: Building Health Resilience of B40 Families
Cindy Chew, SOLS Health | Lakshwin Muruga, Women of Will | Madeleine Yong, Power of Play
26-Aug-20 Morning Brief
(7:17 AM)
Female-Headed Households Are Most Badly Affected
Stephen Barrett, Chief of Social Policy, Unicef Malaysia
18-Feb-20 Health & Living
(4:00 PM)
Mind Matters: What is Community Mental Health?
Ellisha Othman, Managing Director, SOLS Health | Anita Ahmad, Senior Vice President, Head of Community Development, Yayasan Hasanah
09-Dec-19 Evening Edition
(5:35 PM)
Slower Income Growth Among Lower-Income Groups And Youth
Shawn Tanis
03-Oct-19 Morning Brief
(7:45 AM)
Getting It Right on the B40 Terminology
Gregory Ho Wai Son, Research Associate, Khazanah Research Institute
28-Oct-18 TED Radio Hour
(5:00 PM)
Hacking The Law
Guy Raz
03-Apr-18 Evening Edition
(7:30 PM)
Cut the Dependency on Foreign Workers
Professor Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Former Chief Economist, UN
26-Nov-17 TED Radio Hour
(5:00 PM)
Simple Solutions
Guy Raz

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