BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 32 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
04-Oct-24 A Bit Of Culture
(8:00 PM)
Are You Happy With Your Work?
Kam Raslan | Julian Yap | Ahmad Yazid
09-Jan-24 Inside Story
(6:00 PM)
The Times They Are A-Changin' (And That's Okay)
20-Oct-23 Inside Story
(6:00 PM)
Is The First Week At A New Job, Make Or Break?
Joelle Pang, General Manager, FastJobs Asia
13-Jun-23 Resource Centre
(11:00 AM)
Unlocking Productivity Gains
Megawaty Khie, Regional Director of Indonesia & Malaysia, Google Cloud
18-Aug-22 Enterprise Explores
(12:00 PM)
Evaluating Your Workplace Values
Sheila Singam, Managing partner, Human Equation
29-Jun-22 Live & Learn
(2:00 PM)
Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Incumbent Voting
Dr Grace Lee, Associate Professor of Economics | Dr Jason Ng, Senior Lecturer, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
21-Apr-22 Ringgit & Sense
(9:30 AM)
Personal Loans: When To Take It And When Not To
Idham Idris, Director and Licensed Financial Planner, Wealth Vantage Advisory
18-Feb-22 The 6AM Stretch
(6:00 AM)
Can You Want Less And Feel Satisfied?
29-Nov-21 The Marketplace
(9:15 AM)
Unit4 Prosoft - Creating Exceptional People Experience
Amit Vithal Patel, General Manager, Unit4 Prosoft
03-Nov-21 Enterprise Explores
(12:00 PM)
The Working Dead
Koay Gim Soon, Mercer’s Career Business Leader in Malaysia
21-Jun-21 Enterprise Explores
(12:00 PM)
What’s Most Important to Malaysian Employees?
Fahad Naeem, Head of Operations, Randstad Malaysia
14-Jan-21 Open For Business
(10:00 AM)
Employment Heroes?
Ben Thompson, Employment Hero
15-Jun-20 Enterprise Explores
(12:45 PM)
Amazon Sales Hit Record High - Satisfaction At All Time Low
20-Feb-20 Evening Edition
(7:00 PM)
Trade Unions - To Join or Not to Join?
J. Solomon, Secretary General, Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC)
19-Feb-20 Evening Edition
(6:00 PM)
Malaysians Aren't Happy With Their Salaries
Siti Aiysyah Tumin, Research Associate, Khazanah Research Institute
11-Mar-19 Enterprise Explores
(12:30 PM)
Why Are My Happy Employees Quitting?
Richard Bradbury | Audrey Raj | Christine Wong

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Listen now : Ringgit & Sense: (REPEAT) In conjunction with International Women’s Day, Licensed Financial...

Today’s Shows

11:00 AM

Best of Enterprise

(REPEAT) Ever picked up something and later wondered, why did I buy that? The answer might not be as rational as you think - from limited-time deals to ‘best-seller’ labels, our brains rely on mental shortcuts—heuristics—to make quick decisions.; Kiron Kesav, Chief Strategy Officer, OMG Malaysia

12:00 PM

Just For Kicks

(REPEAT) Will the Southern Tigers stay true to their disciplined approach, or will they unleash an attacking onslaught? That, plus all the latest from the Champions League and Premier League, right here on Just For Kicks.; Bob Holmes, Keeshaanan Sundaresan, Dez Corkhill

1:00 PM

A Bit of Culture

(REPEAT) A discussion on cinema-going habits, the instant gratification attitude plaguing the entertainment industry, and reflecting on whether American cultural soft power is on the decline.; Kam Raslan | Na’a Murad | Sim Wie Boon

2:00 PM

Ringgit & Sense

(REPEAT) In conjunction with International Women’s Day, Licensed Financial Planner at VKA Wealth Planners Shing Yee Ling joins us as we talk about the retirement gap between men and women, and what women can do to secure their financial future.; Shing Yee Ling, Licensed Financial planner, VKA Wealth Planners

2:30 PM

The Property Show

(REPEAT) With 38 years of experience in the real estate world, former CEO of the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents Soma Sundram joins us as he shares his knowledge to help aspiring real estate agents.; Soma Sundram, Former CEO, Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents

3:00 PM

Best of The Bigger Picture

(REPEAT) The government’s proposed Urban Renewal Act (URA), which is expected to be tabled later this year, has sparked widespread debate recently - what should we know about this?; Nischal Ranjinath Muniandy, Senior Executive of Research, Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

4:00 PM

Best of Evening Edition

(REPEAT) From advocating for stronger laws to ensuring survivors of domestic violence get the protection and support they need, WAO has been a powerful force in shaping policies and attitudes towards gender-based violence in Malaysia.; Nazreen Nizam, Executive Director, Women's Aid Organisation;

5:00 PM

BBC World Service

BFM presents the BBC World Service, which provides in-depth coverage of issues from around the world.