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Podcast  >  Bigger Picture  >  Beyond The Ballot Box  >  Sivaranjani, New Sec Gen of PSM on Building Left Movements

Sivaranjani, New Sec Gen of PSM on Building Left Movements

Sivaranjani Manickam, Secretary-General, Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM)

01-Aug-24 15:00

Sivaranjani, New Sec Gen of PSM on Building Left Movements

 Sivaranjani Manickam has been elected the new secretary-general of Parti Sosialis Malaysia at its 26th national congress, which took place at the end of July. Sivaranjani who was formerly the Workers’ Bureau Coordinator of the party takes the reigns from Sivarajan Arumugam, who was the sec-gen for 9 years. She’s been an activist for more than 20 years, been a member of PSM for almost as long and has also worked for UNHCR. 

We speak to Sivaranjani about activism and building left movements. 

Produced by: Dashran Yohan

Presented by: Dashran Yohan

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Categories:  politicsgovernmentLaw/Activism

Tags:  labour activismthe bigger picturebeyond the ballet boxparti sosialis malaysia (psm)labour rightsworkers rightsunionssocialismcapitalismminimum wage

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