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Podcast  >  Bigger Picture  >  Earth Matters  >  Eye on the Tiger

Eye on the Tiger

Justine Vaz, Executive Director, The Habitat Foundation | SC Shekar, Photojournalist

20-Sep-23 15:00

Eye on the Tiger

Numbers vary, but most estimates state that there are about 4,000 tigers left in the wild - a far cry from their previous 100,000 population. The Eye on the Tiger exhibition is a photography exhibition featuring tigers, from over 30 of the world’s leading professional wildlife photographers. Presented by the Royal Albert Hall and Save Wild Tigers, the exhibition - which first premiered in 2018 - showcased stunning framed shots of tigers, which were available for purchase, with profits going to tiger conservation projects via Save Wild Tigers. That exhibition is now coming to Malaysia - the first country outside of the UK to host the exhibition - to raise awareness and funds for the plight of wild tigers, which face threats from poaching, the illegal wildlife trade, habitat loss, and human conflict. We find out more from Justine Vaz, the Executive Director of The Habitat Foundation and SC Shekar, a renowned photojournalist, whose work is featured in the exhibition.

Produced by: Juliet Jacobs

Presented by: Juliet Jacobs

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Categories:  environmentLaw/Activismvisual arts

Tags:  Eye on the TigerSC Shekartiger conservationmalayan tigerthe habitat foundationwildlife photographyphotojournalism

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