BFM 89.9

Podcast  >  Morning Run  >  The 6AM Stretch  >  Buy Now, Pay Later, But Maybe Regret In The Future...

Buy Now, Pay Later, But Maybe Regret In The Future...

05-Mar-21 06:05

Buy Now, Pay Later, But Maybe Regret In The Future...

We get you out of bed, to your first cup of coffee or to your first destination of your day with thought-provoking discussions on ideas, people and events shaping all our lives.

3:19 : Are you concerned about the growing availability of “buy now, pay later” (BNPL) services? Would you subscribe?

9:48 : What makes a good fund manager?

16:33 : International headlines

21:51 : Local headlines

Image Credit: T. Schneider /

Produced by: Sim Wie Boon

Presented by: Khoo Hsu Chuang, Philip See, Wong Shou Ning

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Categories:  Personal DevelopmentEntrpreneurshipTechBusiness AnalysisTrends and ForecastsMarketsPersonal FinanceInvestmentsFinancial LiteracyYoung FinancePoliticsSocial Issueslaw & legal matters

Tags:  BNPLklarnacathie woodfund managementark invest

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