BFM 89.9

Podcast  >  Night Shift  >  Wavelength  >  Wavelength: Toko Kilat

Wavelength: Toko Kilat

Othniel Ting | Edwin Raj | Irfan Iskandar

31-Jul-16 16:00

Wavelength: Toko Kilat

Ahead of the upcoming Good Vibes Festival happening on the 12th & 13th of August, we check out a few local acts that will be performing. This week, members of the newly formed group Toko Kilat give us a glimpse into the formation of the band and their thunderous music. 


0:20 - Toe - C (JPN)

4:35 - Noh Salleh - Biar Seribu (MY)

8:27 - Bubble Economy - On A Rainy Day (PHI)

12:47 - Beast Jesus - Double Tuck (PHI)

17:57 - Toko Kilat Interview

35:41 - Toko Kilat - Pemacu Api (MY)

38:39 - Phono Socialist - Heartbreaker (IND)

43:14 - Najwa Mahiaddin, Similarobjects & Shelhiel - On Hiatus (MY)


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Tags:  wavelengthtoko kilatpemacu apiindie rockalternative rockNeo-Soulshoegazebeast jesusnoh salleh

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