BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 129 results.

Healthy Ageing: Move It or Lose It

Healthy Ageing: Move It or Lose It

Dr Elaine Hong, Head Coach & Co-founder, Breakfree Movement | Imelda Yong, Programme Director & Co-founder, Breakfree Movement

How To Safeguard Against Influenza

How To Safeguard Against Influenza

Dr Haji Helmy Haja Mydin, Consultant Respiratory Specialist, Pantai Hospital

A Solution To Elderly Abandonment?

A Solution To Elderly Abandonment?

Chai Sen Tyng, Senior Research Officer, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Are You Too Old To Learn Something New?

Are You Too Old To Learn Something New?

Should You Be Driving At Your Age?

Should You Be Driving At Your Age?

Healthy Ageing: When To Take Older Adults to Emergency?

Healthy Ageing: When To Take Older Adults to Emergency?

Professor Dr Mohd Idzwan Zakaria, Consultant Emergency Physician, UMMC | Professor Dr Tan Maw Pin, Consultant Geriatrician, UMMC

Ageism in Healthcare

Ageism in Healthcare

Professor Dr Shahrul Bahyah Kamaruzzaman, President, Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society | K. Siladass, Advisor, Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society | Professor Nathan Vytialingam, Honorary Fellow, World Federation of Occupational Therapists

Top 5 at 5: MMA's Push To End Doctors' On-Call Shifts

Top 5 at 5: MMA's Push To End Doctors' On-Call Shifts

Dr Sean Thum, Vice Chairman, MMA SCHOMOS

Golden Seniors Connect

Golden Seniors Connect

Lai Ee Shen, Project Leader, Golden Seniors Connect | Chow Tze Mae, Project Content Creator, Golden Seniors Connect

S(enior)-tier Gamers

S(enior)-tier Gamers

Trish Lim | Nahar Johari | Philip Tang

Sukha Golden: Making Senior Living Communities More Accessible and Affordable?

Sukha Golden: Making Senior Living Communities More Accessible and Affordable?

N. Raaj Selvarajan, Founder & CEO, Sukha Golden SDN BHD

Healthy Ageing: Teaching Seniors To Be Tech-Savvy

Healthy Ageing: Teaching Seniors To Be Tech-Savvy

Dr Tan Yun Yi, Founder, Silver Lab

The Age-Old Need To Regulate Elder Care Facilities

The Age-Old Need To Regulate Elder Care Facilities

Delren Douglas, President, Association for Residential Aged Care Operators of Malaysia (AGECOPE)

Pacific Senior Living’s Malaysian Entry And Ambitions Ahead

Pacific Senior Living’s Malaysian Entry And Ambitions Ahead

Dr Ramnan Jeyasingam, Interim CEO and Director of Health Services, Pacific Senior Living

Malaysia: Preparing For An Aged Society

Malaysia: Preparing For An Aged Society

Chai Sen Tyng, Senior Research Officer, Malaysian Research Institute on Ageing (MyAgeing), Universiti Putra Malaysia

Ageing Independently

Ageing Independently

Oretha Herrera, Founder, Oretha’s Senior Concierge Malaysia


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6:00 AM

The 6AM Stretch

Thought-provoking discussions on ideas, people and events shaping our lives.

7:00 AM

World Market Watch

Vishnu Varathan of Mizuho Bank tells us where international markets are heading.

7:15 AM

Morning Brief

We recap global and local headlines from today's papers and portals.

7:30 AM

Morning Brief

Harry Murphy Cruise of Moody’s Analytics unpacks the highlights of China’s National People's Congress.

7:45 AM

Morning Brief

Andy Baehr of CoinDesk Indices discusses Bitcoin’s rebound to $94,000 following a 18% drop and Trump’s "Crypto Strategic Reserve" proposal.

8:00 AM

The Breakfast Grille

Matt Nichols, International Commercial Director, Vimto

8:30 AM

Morning Brief

Jonathan Lim of Fintech Association of Malaysia (FAOM) will discuss the The Consumer Credit Bill 2025.

8:45 AM

Morning Brief

Amin Ashaari, CEO & Co-founder of SoyaCincau and an EV expert shares insights on the future recycling challenge for EV batteries.

9:00 AM

Opening Bell

(REPEAT) Vishnu Varathan of Mizuho Bank tells us where international markets are heading.

9:15 AM

Opening Bell

(REPEAT) Andy Baehr of CoinDesk Indices discusses Bitcoin’s rebound to $94,000 following a 18% drop and Trump’s "Crypto Strategic Reserve" proposal.

9:35 AM

Ringgit & Sense

Shing Yee Ling, licensed financial planner at VKA Wealth Planners discusses the retirement gap between men and women in Malaysia.

10:05 AM

Open For Business

Lekir Tech: Transforming Business Operations with Data

11:00 AM

Tech Talk

Matt Armitage, Founder, Kulturpop

12:00 PM

Enterprise Explores

Carrie Gates, Innovation Director, FS-ISAC

1:00 PM

The Breakfast Grille Repeat

Matt Nichols, International Commercial Director, Vimto.

2:05 PM

Discovery Hour

We chat with Chua Kok Yee, the author who wrote the crime thriller Not A Monster, about where the story came from, how he wrote it, and how he dealt with the dark stuff.

3:05 PM

Beyond the Ballot Box

We discuss the pros and cons of the highly contentious Urban Renewal Act (URA).

4:05 PM

Health & Living

On this month’s Counsellor’s Corner, licensed counsellor Heeran Kaur talks about why rejection hurts, and how to learn to cope with it.

5:00 PM

Top 5 at 5

6:00 PM

Talkback Thursday

What Has Technology Made Worse?

8:00 PM

BBC World Service

BFM presents the BBC World Service, which provides in-depth coverage of issues from around the world.